
Monday, May 5, 2008


Marketing in this day and age can be a real challenge to even the most expert marketer. The arrays of options are immense, and the potential for failure is just as huge. But finally solutions have evolved to end at least some of the confusion.

It has come to pass that truly effective advertising is based on the consumer feeling that he has found a solution for a problem. Permission-based (also called opt-in or relationship) marketing has allowed consumers to choose the promotions that they want to receive, thus giving them directly a potential solution to their situation, whatever it may be. It is used by many Internet, email and telephone marketers and companies the world over.

In 1999, Seth Godin coined the term “permission marketing” with his concept of consumers providing marketers with permission to send them particular types of promotions and advertisements. Since the ads they receive align completely with the product or service the consumer is seeking, the advertising is highly effective. The resulting customer/company relationship has altered marketing forever.

Why is it so highly effective for companies to use this type of marketing? It’s simple. The company can engage their consumers individually, directly, without all the static of traditional advertising entering in as a distraction. It is a more efficient use of advertising revenue, because materials are not sent out to people who have no interest in the service or product.

Other important considerations in using permission marketing include customer retention and efficient interface with customers and clients. Consumers will remain loyal and give return orders to companies that can provide fast service and vital information directly to them, and the rapid response time makes customers happy.

Of course, there is some effort and time required to establish a marketing strategy using permission marketing, and many turn to those with experience in the field to have something that will fit their own company needs. It’s best to find companies that “think outside the box” and know of ways to touch a customer that result in a high percentage of sales. BroadcasterMedia is just such a company, creating a unique method of permission marketing that creates a terrific customer relationship and a high volume of sales, as well as good public image.

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